Code of Conduct

Toronto Nature Stewards (TNS) is committed to fostering an environment in which everyone we engage with, including fellow stewards, the general public, and members of other organizations, is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, age, gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or abilities. All stewards are expected to adhere to this principle. 

Participation in TNS programs is subject to complying with our procedures, as outlined on our website.  Behaviour that reflects poorly on TNS is to be avoided.  TNS does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, abuse or bullying.  Conflicts of interest should be avoided if possible and should be disclosed and managed if they occur.

If you feel that the code of conduct has been breached, please contact our Volunteer Administrator at, who will put you in contact with the chair  of our Operations Team.

Managing complaints about failure to comply with the Code of Conduct

  1. Initially, the complainant is encouraged to speak to the alleged offender, if they feel safe to do so, and to try to resolve the issue themselves.
  2. If an informal resolution cannot be reached, or the complainant feels that speaking to the alleged offender is inappropriate, then a formal complaint should be made. The matter should be reported confidentially, preferably by email, to our Volunteer Administrator at who will put you in contact with the chair  of our Operations Team. Three members of the Operations Team will review the situation and attempt to reach a satisfactory resolution with the parties.
  3. If step two doesn’t reach resolution, the alleged offender and the complainant will be invited to speak separately with the three members of the Operations Team to explain their points of view. The three members of the Operations Team will attempt to reach an acceptable resolution.
  4. If the failure to comply is severe and/or there is a persistent pattern that the offender does not recognise or correct, then they will be notified in writing that they are no longer a member of TNS.  Their name will be removed from the list of registered stewards and their access to on-line systems will be cancelled.

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