Stewards cutting down Japanese knotweed at Middle Mills, 2021

Cedarvale Ravine

Nearest Address: 443 Arlington Ave, York, ON, M6C 3A2
Meets: Monday 6:30-8:30 PM; Saturday or Sunday 9:00-11:00 AM (will be communicated via email)
Transit: St. Clair W Station 20 min walk from north entrance on Heath St W.; #90 bus N from St. Clair W to Humewood Dr (5 min walk to dog park), or Bathurst Station #7 bus N to Elderwood (10 min walk to dog park)
Meeting points: Usually at the St. Clair West Subway Station, Heath St (north) exit; or at the northwest corner of the dog park. Meeting points will be announced in our weekly email to stewards.

The park lies within Ward 12. It runs north to south from Ava Rd/EverdenRd at the north to Heath St West/Tichester Rd at the south. It is bounded by Strathearn Rd and Glenayr Rd on the east and Arlington Ave, Wyndley Ave and Heathdale Rd on the west. It is approximately 2 kilometres long and varies in width. It is crossed by Bathurst St and Glen Cedar Rd on bridges. Via Suydam Park, the park is connected to Spadina Rd and Forest Hill Village.

The park can be divided into two main sections: the north section is open and contains several sports and other facilities (see below). The south section is a ravine (formerly containing the Castle Frank Brook) and is mainly wooded. Just east of the Bathurst St bridge is an extensive wetland area that developed naturally after the clearance of the ravine floor for the Spadina Expressway.

There are many recreational facilities in the park including a Community Garden and a Pollinator Garden just north of the tennis courts. These gardens are run by separate volunteer organizations. There is also a City-constructed wetland area opposite the tennis courts.

The Friends of Cedarvale Park and Ravine website is, blog, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

Join the Cedarvale Ravine Stewardship Team