Steward using Seek App at Todmorden Mills Wildflower Preserve, 2021

Severn Creek

Nearest Address: 8 R Cluny Dr. Toronto, ON M4W 2P7
Meets: Wednesday 6:00-8:00 PM
Transit: Five minute walk from Rosedale Subway Station.

Severn Creek is a new stewardship site for 2023 and is conveniently located right next to Rosedale TTC station. If you’re living downtown and want to make a difference in a beautiful city park, come join us on Monday nights to get your hands dirty! The park features a sunny grass lawn nestled between wooded slopes on either side, and the two trails running through the park are enjoyed by walkers year-round. We’ll be focusing on removing invasive plants to allow native species to flourish and make Severn Creek even more welcoming for local wildlife and visitors.

See you out there,
-Finnbarr O’Callahan Lead Steward

Also check us out on Facebook and Instragram!

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