Taylor Creek Park

Nearest Address: 260 Dawes Rd, East York, ON M4C 5C4
Meets: Every other Wednesday 6:00-8:00 PM starting May 1.
Transit: Victoria Park Station. 12 minute walk. OR Main Station. #23 Dawes N to Crescent Town Road North side. 2 minute walk

Beautiful Taylor Creek Park shares its name with Taylor Massey Creek which flows through various habitats, including wetlands, meadows, woodlands, and mowed picnic areas. This land has been home to Indigenous People since time immemorial and we recognize the resilience and enduring presence of diverse Indigenous People here.

Much of the park is protected as ecologically significant and there are several rare and sensitive native species here to protect. Over time, settlers brought non-native and invasive species to the area. Taylor Creek Park has trails and bridges, free parking lots, tables and benches, and seasonally available public washrooms. Trails run alongside the creek and can be enjoyed by everyone including cyclists, walkers, and leashed dogs. There continue to be many native plants, trees, birds, and small mammals to observe – including the muskrat and marsh marigold.

The Friends of Don East and Friends of Taylor Creek Park and others have been caring for this ravine area for many years. There is a Toronto master plan for this watershed and a management plan for the park underway. TNS Stewardship activities are newly approved in patches with permitted activities including garbage clean-up and removal of several invasive species as of Spring 2022. So far, TNS activities in Taylor Creek Park are occasional near Dawes and may continue to expand with additional TNS-stewarded sites.

Join the Taylor Creek Park Stewardship Team

Site Document Archive

Note: Site Assessments and past Plant Inventory Reports are present for archival purposes. Site Assessments were prepared by volunteer Lead Stewards in the years indicated, while Plant Inventory Reports were compiled from data collected by volunteer Stewards and Lead Stewards. Site and management unit boundaries have shifted over time and may not necessarily reflect current site limits.

Plant Inventory Reports

2023 Plant Inventory Report

Site Assessments

2022 Site Assessment (Preliminary)
2022 Site Assessment
2023 Site Assessment