Glen Stewart Park

Nearest Address: 241 Glen Manor Drive West, Toronto
Meets: Tuesday 9:30-11:30 AM; Thursday 9:30-11:30 AM.
Transit: Main Station. #64 S towards Queen, to Williamson Rd. 3 min walk

In 2021, Friends of Glen Stewart Ravine started removing invasive plants as one of the pioneer TNS sites. Stewards remove invasive plants on the sloped natural areas on the perimeters of the park. Glen Stewart Park sits directly adjacent to an environmentally-sensitive area, Glen Stewart Ravine (GSR), which is home to much biodiversity and one of the few red oak woodlands left in Toronto.

The stewardship team also works at another site, Balsam Entrance to GSR. As one of the major entrances to Glen Stewart Ravine, the Balsam entrance has been cared for and used as an educational space. In 2019, the NECP and Friends off Glen Stewart Ravine planted many native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Together with another pioneer TNS site Glen Stewart Park, Friends of GSR are actively removing invasive plants in order to restore the health of these areas, as well as protect the adjacent environmentally sensitive area from more invasion.

The Glen Stewart Park Stewardship Team has a Blog Post on our site. You can also follow on Facebook or Instagram.

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Scenes from the Site