From our Stewards – Stories from the Field: Index

The Toronto Nature Stewards are working hard but still having fun while removing invasive species in our ravine and park sites. Each Lead Steward organizes their volunteers and have many different experiences to share with each other. The following posts are specific to a site, how to improve the experience and personal reflections. Follow the links to these stories.

Highland Creek stewards with their new sign

Site Stories

Stewards Stories

Photo essay: From Landfill to Nature Renascence by the Northline Nature Stewards

My Experience as a First-Year Lead Steward by Laura Muntean, Betty Sutherland Park

West Woodbine Beach, Dune and Meadow Habitat, Biodiversity and Damage Report, Summer 2022 by Clyde Robinson, Ashbridges Bay and Noam Markus

Articles and Recordings

Discover Toronto’s Ravines with Ellen Schwartzel
Recording of presentation on Oct 14, 2022
At approx. 44 minutes, the talk describes the good work of TNS and also the City’s CSP.

2021 Newsletters

There are 4 newsletters from our pilot project: Jan 2021, March 2021, July 2021 and November 2021